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How to run First Steroid Cycle after 40 – Duration and Types of Cycles

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How to run your first steroid cycle?

Different types of steroid cycles

Duration of a first steroid cycle

First steroid cycle recommendations

Steroid cycle at 40

Steroid cycle at 50

Steroid cycle at 60

First cycle results you can expect key: before and after, effect

Best substances for your 1st steroid cycle


This question comes up time and time again, but WE cannot say you can or can’t start using steroids after age 40.  Only you can make that decision.  Some men start using steroids in their teens while others wait until their 20s, 30s, 40s or even 50s. 

Men who have naturally low Testosterone levels are usually prescribed Testosterone by their physician.  The dose is set by the doctor based on specific tests and then adjusted as Test levels go up and/or down.  But what about adding other compounds into the mix?  What is the best way to blast and cruise?

How to run your first steroid cycle?

Typical steroid cycles can range from 8-16 weeks, sometimes longer but not advisable.  TRT doses may be as low as 50mg/week or 200mg/week but again this depends on the individual.  Now, add in a compound such as Anavar or Dianabol for better results?  What do you think of this idea?  That is a question we received from a male over 40 who was taking 100mg/week of Test Cypionate for TRT.  He trained “clean” or “natural” for 20 years and finally got the guts to consider a steroid cycle.  First of all, we needed to question if this user was getting any benefits from a dose of 100mg/week of Test Cyp.  While this might be enough to keep his levels stable from a TRT perspective, will this really be enough in a steroid cycle stacked with other compounds.  That depends solely on the user.

Read More About Deca Durabolin cycle

Different types of steroid cycles

Bulking cycle

These cycles are aimed solely at increasing muscle mass in order to feel stronger and look more muscular. A steroid cycle aimed at bulking will usually involve higher dosages than any other type of cycle. For users over 40, a bulking cycle may involve high dosages of Testosterone Enanthate (about 500mg weekly) and potentially other bulking steroids such as Dianabol, depending on the age and fitness of the user. 

Cutting cycle

The goal of this type of cycle is to gain lean muscles and create a defined look to the physique. Steroids used in cutting cycles will usually have short esters, like testosterone propionate, and are generally shorter in length than bulking cycles. A cutting cycle for a man 40 years or above will involve a low dose testosterone propionate cycle (50mg every 3-4 days) combined with mild cutting steroids like Anavar, Turinabol or Primobolan. 

Rejuvenation cycle

A cycle for rejuvenation will be similar to TRT and provide all of the benefits of steroids but over a long period of time. This type of cycle will involve very low doses to maintain muscle mass, strength, endurance, and libido, without the harsh side effects that come with higher dosages. A rejuvenation cycle may include Testosterone Cypionate at 125mg weekly and 2 IU of HGH for extra health benefits.

Read More About Proviron Cycle

Duration of a first steroid cycle

The duration of the cycle will depend on the aim of the cycle and the steroids used. For a bulking cycle similar to the one mentioned above, this may last for 8-10 weeks to gain the benefits from the cycle. In terms of the cutting cycle mentioned, since short esters were used, the cycle should only need to last from 6-8 weeks to see results. A rejuvenation cycle is similar to TRT, realistically you can continue to use the steroid indefinitely, or you can stop whenever you feel is necessary, as long as a proper post-cycle therapy is carried out afterwards. Post-cycle therapy (PCT) can be carried out with anti-estrogens like Clomiphene or Tamoxifen, or you can use a low Proviron dose for PCT. You can even check out Rebirth PCT reviews to see if the supplement would work for you.

First steroid cycle recommendations

Users typically start with less and build up the dose or keep the dose level throughout the cycle.  For TRT, some only do one injection every 7-10 days, and while this might work for one, it may not work for another. Regular exercise is always a must during steroid cycles, CrossFit and steroids go well together.

Steroid cycle at 40

For men who get to a certain age where they are unable to maintain a particular physique naturally, you can see how they would be tempted to try their first steroid cycle at 40 to get a body they may have found easier to achieve 15-20 years ago.

But a former user disagreed that there was any more pressure on midlife men now than before. He started taking testosterone cypionate at 100mg weekly at 41 and said: “Steroids will be attractive to any middle-aged man who can see their youth disappearing and want to fight the inherent vulnerabilities of middle age.”

Steroid cycle at 50

Another man we spoke to said he is a normal 53-year-old guy, a non-smoker who eats well and looks after himself.  He goes to the gym three or four times a week who drinks some weekends and leads an active social life. He has also been taking steroids for the last three years.  He told us that he was skeptical when he first started using steroids because he is not a bodybuilder and that was not his goal.

He went on to explain that he wanted to look healthy and have a nice physique, not rippling muscles but just a bit more definition. We asked him why he didn’t take anabolics when he was younger, and he simply told us because he didn’t have the discipline or the money to even consider running a cycle.

His cycles consist of Testosterone Enanthate 300mg/week along with some Primobolan and Anavar.  He likes using compounds which are considered to be cleaner, milder and have less side effects.  He also makes it a point to see his doctor on a regular basis and his testosterone levels and other blood levels are normal.

Steroid cycle at 60

“Steroid use for older men is sometimes more about the youthful effects, and about body image and energy levels,” said one 65-year-old male we talked to. “I hear talk of men at my gym feeling more pressure to look good, so they are more likely to go to the gym and dress well.”

Running steroid cycles can be dangerous, but not only for men over 60, for men (and women) at any age if they don’t make informed decisions about the compounds they inject or take orally. 

And it’s important to point out that some users who stop taking steroids after prolonged use will experience withdrawal symptoms such as low mood and anxiety.

Anything in excess is bad for you, but if taken in moderation, then it’s not a problem.  The age at which a user walks down the path of steroids is not set in stone.  We have customers in their late 60s who are still using steroids and feel and look great. 

First cycle results you can expect key: before and after, effect

Men over 40 can still report strength gains and pack on extra muscle mass and look good.  It all comes down to the daily routine and overall health of the steroid user.  Those who choose to start steroids when they are older can feel good too since they’ll benefit from an increased sex drive, better sleep and a better mood throughout the day.

Best substances for your 1st steroid cycle

Keep in mind that not all steroids are bad for your health. But some steroids are more powerful and less tolerable than others. So, before you start your first steroid cycle, it’s important to know which steroids are more suitable for beginners.


Testosterone (Enanthate, Cypionate, or Propionate) – Testosterone is the most well-tolerated steroid of all time since it’s so similar to the natural male hormone already in the body. Any ester of testosterone will be perfect for a first ever cycle for men above 40.

Methenolone Enanthate (Primobolan) – This is another injectable steroid that is a lot milder in nature and great for cutting cycles. Primobolan advantages include lean muscle growth and awesome fat burning properties.

Oxandrolone (Anavar) – Although Winstrol is considered the most popular cutting steroid, in terms of Winstrol vs Anavar for beginners, Anavar is considered a milder oral steroid for cutting cycles so it would be tolerated better by anyone starting their first cycle.

Methandienone (Dianabol) – This bulking steroid is a slightly more potent oral steroid than Anavar, but if it’s used in the correct way, it can be used by beginners.

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) – Some older users incorporate Human Growth Hormone into their simple cycle of Testosterone and feel 10 years younger due to the amazing healing HGH benefits.  Just read any HGH supplement reviews online, they will explain how to inject HGH in a cycle to gain these benefits.


Men who begin to take steroids at an early age can benefit substantially from steroid use but there is no reason that a man over 40 cannot experience the benefits of steroids too. Keeping an open mind about the use of steroids over 40 should be something that all men (and women) practice. 

Do not hesitate to contact us with any questions regarding your first steroid cycle over 40.  We will walk you through the process and make your experience safe and enjoyable.  Wanting to look good is always a priority on everyone’s list.  Feeling good should be at the top as well.  Thank you for always reading our blogs and providing positive feedback.  We strive to make a difference in the lives of men and women everywhere, everyday!

4 thoughts on “How to run First Steroid Cycle after 40 – Duration and Types of Cycles

  1. Francisco Gross says:

    Six weeks of taking Dianabol steroid cycles and produced excellent effects. It honestly seems like my veins and muscles are ready to rip through my skin due to how awesome the pump is. With 50 mg of Dianabol each day, you could gain 20 pounds in just six weeks. Had no negative side effects and will keep using this for bulking cycle.

  2. Felix Perkins says:

    First time using Primobolan, and I must say that the substance did not dissapoint! I didn’t know what to expect exactly, but I started with 25 mg per day and felt my strength and pump rise within days. Also added some Proviron dose for PCT. So far, really satisfied!

  3. Felix Perkins says:

    As part of my bulking cycle, I started taking testosterone enanthate, and I’m really pleased with the results. Since I’ve been using it for about 8 weeks, I’ve definitely noticed a growth in my muscle mass. Along with lifting more weight, my recovery time has gotten quicker. Overall, I’m really pleased with the results and would advise anyone trying to gain muscle to use this product.

  4. Jaxon Fuller says:

    With testosterone propionate, I recently finished a cutting cycle, and I was quite happy with the results. I discovered that it aided in maintaining my lean muscle mass as I reduced body fat. Additionally, I discovered that it gave me more energy and facilitated a quicker recovery from my workouts.

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